Landmark Mission Projects is a local church Missionary Help Ministry dedicated to training national pastors and missionaries around the world
WHAT does Landmark Mission Projects do?
We help missionaries and pastors train God’s people to do the work of the church and ministry Ephesians 4:11-12.
HOW? We make video courses using great preachers, both American and foreign Nationals teaching the precious doctrines and those courses necessary for the ministry in Chichewa, Chinese, English, Hindi, Portuguese, and Spanish. We will prepare materials in other languages as God gives opportunity. We duplicate these tapes and make them available to missionaries free of charge.
WHY? Because the missionary is stopped in his present work until he has Nationals trained to turn the work over to and the work becomes indigenous. Training is a big part of the job and the missionary needs help. WE WANT TO HELP.
WHEN the population on this earth increases by 287,000 more people every day. Each day three evangelical missionaries come home, never to return because of age, sickness, discouragement or closing doors.
WE are excited about the work. We have new request for tapes and school materials almost daily. New schools are getting started, old schools are adding new courses and we continue to film the lesson materials and books in several languages.
If we can help in any way, please let us know. 1-800-536-7720
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